Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Winds of Truth

                                                                                                        Google image

Let all these emotions
Be waves upon the sea
Raised by winds of truth
And sailed into my heart

Just as a bended tree
Is not the wind itself
I am not my emotions
That way I am set free

All of these directions
Are issued from a force
It lights my living path
A sacred breeze bends me

Friday, August 16, 2013

Welcome Guide

                                                                                                    Google Image
Stay in my human heart
I waited such a long time
For you to live with me
Come knock on my door
At the home I stay today
Where countless busy rats
Are wound as harried cats
But wanting simple things

Smiling at the celebration
And choosing with full joy
For me and gifts for others
Those healed as one again
Bright spun threads of sun
Never fade while stretching
Any distance that is needed
During the day or the night
In our youth or our old-age

Through danger with safety

Each colored thread of life
Warms us past our feelings
And can live in every heart

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dusty Dry

                                                                                           Google Images

Dusty slow wind
Trigger finger tight
To noise behind ears
So dirt disappears
But sun does too

Over the hillside
Out of my sight
Is a summer party
I can hear it
But cannot see it

So I listen for sound
Do they know it is me
Making the noise
Raising this dust
Into the wind

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


                                                                                              Google Images
A rock knows not time
Bonded strong together
Forever as a mountain
Until a moment appears
When separation snaps
Sighing down a soil line
Dividing up a rock face
Underneath grass growing
Silent in sun and gravity
Pushing without knowing
Breaking the rock apart
Setting us all free again
To search for what we wanted
Forever for our soul