Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hard Rain

Today it rained hard
Then the sun came out
Then it rained again
The sun was warm
And the rain was cold
I was outside
When the hard rain arrived
The dog by my side
While I was wishing
That I had brought a hat
The dog only cared
About the ball he brought
Hidden behind cheeks
In a soft mouth
The cold rain drumming
On my hatless head
Drawing my thoughts
To the surface
Driving me
Into discomfort
While the dog
Seemed to wonder
Why I was in a hurry
To get back home
Because he
Had brought a ball
For both of us
To enjoy

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Sometimes everything happens without doubt
Sometimes everything fits where it should
Often it is when our only interest is to feel
All things unfold just as they will
Without wishing for anything different
And letting this everyday miracle
Fully spent itself on truth
And save us from pleasing anyone

Sometimes we work so hard
To make the ball roll the other way
Or be faster or slower or larger or smaller
As we watch and wait like practiced victims
Expecting freedom to arrive
At our own address in superman’s cape
Paper judgment in hand granting our own freedom
Fates picture on its stamp

Sometimes it is easier to let things be
The blue mountain or the grey cloud
That they already are
Than it is to try and change them
Into the flat suggestions
That will never carry a rider on their back

Sometimes when it all comes together
When we want to be who we are
We can find each other and ourselves
Awake in that moment inside of joy
Nothing else will be remembered
In tomorrow’s light

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


No words
Describe the silence
That breathes steady
And lives ever-changing
Beneath thought
That echoes inside
And between words
That call from outside

Chasing a thought
Translating a word
Can separate us
From the simple
Love for life
That we meant
To bring along
As a guide

Joyfully lost
Silence breathes air
Under the thoughts
And between the words
That wink and smile
Through a haze
That comforts
An illusion of control

Entering into the world
With careful intention
Confident and open with love
Sometimes feeling lost
Stumbling in darkness
Still willing to walk
Hand reaching through pain
To grasp life’s light